Muktinath Tour by Helicopter – Easy Muktinath Darshan Yatra

Muktinath temple (chumig Gyatsa) is situated at an altitude of 3,710 meters (12,172 feet) at the base of the Thorong La mountain pass in the Mustang district, this temple reflects the religious relationship between Hindus and Buddhists. This temple is highly sacred place where lord Vishnu is worshipped. This temple also holds the idol of ancient time Buddhist monk which is worshiped there by Buddhist nuns. Thus, Muktinath is a highly sacred place for both Hindus and Buddhists.

Why to visit Muktinath?

Hindus believe that visiting Muktinath ends all the illusion of life from birth to death known as “MAYA MOHA” in Nepal. It is also believed that bathing in 108 spouts and two holy kunda of Muktinath washes all of your sins of life. These spouts are believed to be the shrines of Hindu gods. More ever this place is also a good place to observe the absolute cultural heritage of Nepal and also good for traveling, touring and exploring during weekends. Continue reading “Muktinath Tour by Helicopter – Easy Muktinath Darshan Yatra”

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Why Nepal is important for Buddhist traveler?

Birthplace of Lord Buddha

Nepal holds a paramount significance for Buddhist travelers worldwide, owing to its status as the birthplace of Lord Gautama Buddha. While over 80% of Nepali people adhere to Hinduism, the reverence for Buddha transcends religious boundaries. In Hinduism, Gautama Buddha is revered as an avatar of Lord Vishnu, adding to the spiritual richness of Nepal.

Exploring Buddhist Heritage

For those eager to delve into Buddhist teachings, Nepal offers an unparalleled opportunity to connect with the roots of this ancient faith. The country boasts numerous monasteries and educational institutions where visitors can deepen their understanding of Buddhism, engage in meditation practices, and even contribute as volunteers in teaching monks. These endeavors aim to guide individuals towards a path of happiness and inner peace. Continue reading “Why Nepal is important for Buddhist traveler?”

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